
Name: K0B1 (KO-BEE)
D.O.B.: [Found On] June 11th, XXXX
Age: Built 12 years go (Mentally About 35)
Gender: Non-binary (They/She)
Orientation: Panromantic Asexual (Sapphic Leaning)
Height: 5'7" | 170 cm
Weight: 196 lbs | 89 kg
Blood Type: N/A
Place of Origin: Formerly Mars, ISO.N now

Interesting Facts

  • Owns a guitar and a melodica. Though they can play and learn to play any instrument. (Yes they do know Wonderwall.)

  • They can't draw, no matter how hard they try.

  • They're entirely waterproof.

  • Random Knowledge Collector. Full of fun facts. Of what? Find out.

  • Playlist: “Incoming Call”

  • Voice Claim: Victoria Monét


Music. Particularly the process of making lyrics and melodies. It's a soothing creative process for them.
Reading. Specifically anything fantasy adjacent, romance optional. They’re more interested in adventure and familial bonds as plot devices.
Lost music media. They adore cassettes, CDs, records- any way music has been made and gifted to others.

"You're really staring at me, hun. What's on your mind?"


Performing. Even though they have confidence in their music, performing it makes them extremely anxious. They would prefer to not be in the limelight. To friends they're more open to sing-alongs and jam sessions, but will keep their distance from the topic otherwise.
Horror. Ghosts, ghouls, the paranormal- it scares them a lot more than they'd let on. They get really jumpy about things like that.
Cooking. Though they can cook and can cook well, if they don’t have to do it, they won’t. It’s very straightforward.


Primary Class: Intelligence
Secondary Class: N/A
Primary Class Bonus: +2 to Perception

Equipment & Weaponry

  • Expandable tablet and stylus

  • Headset, radio, and a personalized radio repair kit

  • A cassette player and a few cassettes (various artists)

  • "Ella" - Combination Weapon: Plasma Sword and Shotgun.

Additional special training or skills

  • Radio Technician Skills Understands the ins and outs of radios, frequencies, and maintaining connections.

  • Communications Specialist: Understands the most efficient and effective ways to transport information in an easy to digest way.

  • Hand to Hand Combat Training

  • Firearms Training

  • Melee Training

  • Perfect Pitch/Absolute Pitch: Can identify any musical note, by name, without reference to other notes.


[SUPPORT]DatamineAn interfacing android creates an avatar within a system for 3 turns, integrating themselves into a system to search, corrupt or steal data. An unsuccessful interface or damage can result in the CORRUPTED status. During this time the physical form cannot roll defense if attacked.
[ACTION]RED HOT:Roll 1d20 to burn/melt a target. If successful, the target will be afflicted with the burn status. Limited to 3 uses per event.
[ACTION]Baby Hotline!:+3 to rolls when establishing communication lines. [GROUP STACK UNLIMITED]
[DEFENSE][STATUS]Means to an End:Allows a fail roll to be counted as a minimum success. Usable up to three times per event.
[ACTION]Lock Picker:Any digital lock can be unlocked by this Intelligence officer in two rounds.
[ATTACK]Locked On:Enemies cannot evade close range or long range attacks for two turns then must have a 2 round cooldown thereafter. Only applies to the user.


K0B1 is a conventionally attractive, feminine android with a mix of South Asian and African American features. Their skin tone is on the darker side and they have double lidded almond eyes that have large butterflies stamped onto the irises. Front pieces of their hair is in goddess locs, while the back is in two high braids, the color transitioning from a pink to a warm light orange. Their eyes and the soft light that emits from their chest tattoo, are the main indicators that K0B1 is entirely artificial. Otherwise it's hard to tell.


  • Adaptable

  • Personable

  • Loyal

  • Familial

  • Curious

  • Carefree

  • Forgetful

  • Distractible

  • Impulsive

K0B1 is very inquisitive. Always one to ask questions, seek answers, and gain knowledge. As a result, it's painfully easy to gain their interest and their help with even the silliest of projects. Any opportunity is THE opportunity to learn something new. Over the years they've learned to be more cautious about their curiosity, but once in a while they'll throw caution to the wind, and get themselves in a bit of trouble.Otherwise they're relatively friendly and personable, always willing to chat and listen to others' woes. On occasion they’ll tease and flirt, finding amusement in flustering others, but it does go hand in hand with their curiosity. Despite their usual carefree nature, once you’ve earned their loyalty you’ve earned someone in your corner- if you can maintain it.

Hardware Diagnostics Notes

"… Fixing up the bot is a pain in my ass. Whoever built 'em can suck it, and suck it hard. Ugh— it's not impossible or nothin'- I can work around the bullshit wiring, the questionable soldering job, the lousy placement for the security plates, and- wait.. specialized screws? Christ- Anyway, I can do it. Gotta change it up in here, for my own good, but fuck, I can do it."
"Sophisticated stuff, even if it's a pain to fix. Parts are efficient, new as hell, and- weirdly, built to last? I dunno, don’t see that often, but maybe someone shot it here by mistake? Maybe it was a passion project? Their loss. Musta costa fortune up there though.”
“... I swear that the bug insignia in its eyes are familiar.. Dunno why though. Probably not important.

Software Diagnostics Notes

"Their memory before being discovered is severely corrupted, whatever it held will take a skilled hand to get back. Otherwise their memory retention and recall seem to be normal, if not exceptional."
"Subject seems to have a partially corrupted internal system that has affected memory storage. This has resulted in a recreation of Associative Prosopagnosia; the subject can look at a face, but can't assign meaning to it. They seem to have the most trouble with unfamiliar faces, but can still struggle with people they know. Occasionally they'll also forget what they themselves look like. I've suggested and have seen success on the focus of voices and height for attempting to identify others. The subject has also expressed some success with focusing on consistent accessories, like wedding bands.”
"The memory issue seems to extend to object permanence- or the subject's lack thereof. Several times during these few sessions they have lost track of various items that were either found or misplaced. I'm currently working with them to implement an internal detector for at least their most important objects."


ë̷̙́̿̈́̓͛͠r̴̡͚̯̰̤̓r̵̢̤͈͖̂o̴͍̬̺͌r̵͚̮͙̝̝̪̝̄̍̐̿͋: access denied.
ë̷̙́̿̈́̓͛͠r̴̡͚̯̰̤̓r̵̢̤͈̂or: access denied.
error opening file for writing:
click abort to stop the installation,
retry to try again, or
ignore to skip this file.


error opening file for writing:
click abort to stop the installation,
retry to try again, or
ignore to skip this file.

current history

> "Ya got a name?"
> "... K0..b1?.. Call me, K0b1."

  • K0B1 was found in the back of a martian supply truck heading for a biome that was intercepted by ISO.N.

  • They’re basically an amnesiac. Has very little recollection of their time before they were part of the group. Simply knows they're originally from Mars.

  • Has been with the group for the past ten years. Is still learning new things and is completely fascinated every time.


Discord ID: Balderdash
Relevant social media ID: @balderdashart on instagram
Preferred Name: Els/Balder/Balderdash
Pronouns: They/Them
RP Style Preferences: HC and short form rps!